West Virginia Early Childhood Provider Quarterly
West Virginia Early Childhood Provider Quarterly is the first and only publication designed exclusively for West Virginia Early Care and Education Professionals. The magazine supports, informs and coordinates the early childhood community, including families. With over 20,000 copies distributed annually to early childhood programs, professionals and families throughout the state, the WV Early Childhood Provider Quarterly gives advertisers an opportunity to share information directly with the early childhood community.

Becoming a Child Care Home Provider
WV Child Care Credential
Maintaining the Health of a Child When going back to School
What Does it Mean to be a Role Model
Homelessness Defined
Why are Smooth Transition So Important in Child Care
Early Childhood Education for Young Children Experiencing Homelessness

Does Stress impair a Child's Brain
Positive Behaviors Start with You
Supporting Children During Stressful Times
Preventing Childhood Obesity
Obesity Following COVID-19 within Early Childhood
Keeping Children Healthy During the Winter