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WVECTCR Objectives

Increase awareness of and support for education and professional development opportunities throughout the early childhood community in order to ensure maximization of resources and avoid duplication of efforts.


Coordinate professional development, training and technical assistance opportunities for the early childhood community in order to increase availability, access, build capacity, and promote the use of evidence-based practices for supporting young children and their families.

Provide leadership and coordination for the implementation of the West Virginia Statewide Training and Registry System (WV STARS) professional development system, which encourages professional development of early care and education providers, ensures quality of trainers, and that recognizes providers for their training.


Coordinate the provision of financial assistance/incentives to licensed childcare centers and facilities and registered family childcare homes to increase the overall quality of early care and education programs for all children.


Provide leadership, training, and support for West Virginia Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council (WVEIICC), WV Birth to Three service providers, families, and community partners in order to assist lead agency in implementation of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.


Provide statewide administration and coordination of Apprenticeship for Child Development Specialist (ACDS) related instruction.


Provide statewide administration and coordination of the West Virginia Pathway Advancement Scholarship to ensure quality and consistency of scholarship project.


Provide leadership and coordination for the Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) Behavior Consultants to ensure quality and consistency for the programs statewide.


Provide statewide administration and coordination of the West Virginia Pathway to Earnings to ensure quality and consistency of early childhood workforce retention project.


Coordinate early childhood environmental and service delivery evaluation opportunities for the early childhood community to increase availability and access to high quality early childhood programs and assist child care providers and stakeholders in assessing and building the capacity of high quality care across the State.

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This program is being presented with financial assistance as a grant from the West Virginia Department of Human Services and the West Virginia Department of Health and is administered by West Virginia Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources, a program of River Valley Child Development Services

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