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611 Seventh Avenue, Suite 322

Huntington, WV 25701

Phone: (304)529-7603 - 1(888)-WVECTCR


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About Us

WV Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources (WVECTCR) is a statewide program designed to provide professional development opportunities for the early care and education community. Through an extensive network of information, training and technical assistance, resources, and collaboration, WVECTCR strives to improve the quality of early education services for young children and their families.

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Our Projects

WV State Training and Registry System (STARS) is dedicated to impacting care and education by promoting quality professional development opportunities for those who care for, educate, and support West Virginia’s children and families..

The West Virginia Apprenticeship for Child Development Specialist program, often referred to as ACDS, is a four-semester training opportunity for individuals employed in the field of early childhood. ACDS is designed to combine classroom instruction and work experience.


West Virginia Child Care Nurse Health Consultants work with child care providers to promote the health and safety of children in the child care setting. These consultants can provide expert guidance, technical assistance and training on a wide range of health and safety topics.

West Virginia Child Care Health Educators provide trainings and resources to child care providers serving children and their families. They focus on providing the most up-to-date information on health, safety, and nutrition topics to child care providers to improve the overall health of the child.

Celebrating Connections is the annual early childhood conference providing learning opportunities for all professionals in the early care and education community and parents.

WV Governor's Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council is a governor appointed council mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to advise and assist with the implementation of the WV Birth to Three Early Intervention System. The Council is composed of families, practitioners, state agency representatives and other early childhood stakeholders.

Early Care Share WV is the “go-to” website designed to share information, cost savings, and management resources to help early childhood students and professionals access up-to-date information and manage their programs more efficiently and effectively. Free membership provides you with access to forms, handbooks, policies, cost savings, classroom material templates and more.

Subscribe to the West Virginia Early Childhood Provider Quarterly Magazine

This program is being presented with financial assistance as a grant from the West Virginia Department of Human Services and the West Virginia Department of Health and is administered by West Virginia Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources, a program of River Valley Child Development Services

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